"There is no more noble profession than teaching. A great teacher is a great artist, but his medium is not a canvas, but the human soul."

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sounds like Freedom Writers!

Amanda will not have access to My Own Two Feet until June in her library! So, unless, anyone else does not like the idea of Freedom Writers, I say let's read it!! :)


  1. Darn, I already stasrted reading hte other book... I will have to see if I can get the other book.... may have the saem problem:(

  2. I was able to get Freedom Writers last night at the library... last copy too!!!! So do we have a plan for reading and posting responses? I just don't want on of us to post something that another has not read yet.

    We could read all the way up to Junior Year & post over the weekend; and then read the rest of the book and post by Wednesday (when it's due. How does this sound?


